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Cable TV channel frequencies

This page on television basics tutorial coverscable TV channel frequencies. It mentions channel-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, channel A-2, A-1, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, channel-W and Channel-AA to Channel-RR.

As we know microwave frequencies can not be transmitted over the cable. In order to transmit these high frequency signals over cable they are downconverted to lower frequencies using mixers. Few of these channels are mapped to standard 6MHz TV channel frequencies.

nonbroadcast有线电视频道的频率channels. Heterodyne processors are employed to translate received signals to the desired channels. The processor will have tuner which will pick the over the air signals and produce channels with IFs of about 45.75 and 41.25 MHz. These picture and sound IFs are separated by filters and passed through AGC circuits to provide gain.

The table below mentions cable TV channels or cable TV frequencies.

Channel Number Frequency, video carrier(MHz)
Channel-2 55.25
Channel-3 61.25
Channel-4 67.25
Channel-5 77.25
Channel-6 83.25
Channel-A-2 109.25
Channel-A-1 115.25
Channel-A 121.25
Channel-B 127.25
Channel-C 133.25
Channel-D 139.25
Channel-E 145.25
Channel-F 151.25
Channel-G 157.25
Channel-H 163.25
Channel-I 169.25
Channel-7 175.25
Channel-8 181.25
Channel-9 187.25
Channel-10 193.25
Channel-11 199.25
Channel-12 205.25
Channel-13 211.25
Channel-J 217.25
Channel-K 223.25
Channel-L 229.25
Channel-M 235.25
Channel-N 241.25
Channel-O 247.25
Channel-P 253.25
Channel-Q 259.25
Channel-R 265.25
Channel-S 271.25
Channel-T 277.25
Channel-U 283.25
Channel-V 289.25
Channel-W 295.25
Channel-AA 301.25
Channel-BB 307.25
Channel-CC 313.25
Channel-DD 319.25
Channel-EE 325.25
Channel-FF 331.25
Channel-GG 337.25
Channel-HH 343.25
Channel-II 349.25
Channel-JJ 355.25
Channel-KK 361.25
Channel-LL 367.25
Channel-MM 373.25
Channel-NN 379.25
Channel-OO 385.25
Channel-PP 391.25
Channel-QQ 397.25
Channel-RR 403.25


Television basics tutorial
TV channel Frequencies
Cable TV basics
Cable TV channel frequencies
Satellite TV basics
Digital TV basics
DTV standards
VSB modulation
Cable TV vs Satellite TV vs Digital TV
DVB-T vs DVB-S vs DVB-C vs DVB-H

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